Did your Company use Remote Learning During the Pandemic?
The pandemic drastically increased interest in remote eLearning because classrooms and offices weren’t safe anymore. The Lessons We Learned All of our professional lives were drastically altered as offices became a breeding ground for the disease. “Jonathan Sexton, a researcher at the College of Public Health at the University of Arizona, found that places such as refrigerators, drawer handles, faucet handles, push-out exit doors, and coffee pots tend to have the highest concentrations of germs” (Liang, Lu-Hai, 2020). Sexton’s results showed true as the COVID-19 virus ran rampant through office spaces while professionals both young and old came down with the devastating symptoms.
What is Gamification?
Gamification sounds like a made-up word (which it is, but so are all words), but what does it actually mean? Gamification is the application of game elements into non-game spaces. This usually refers to office spaces or training using either structural gamification (“game mechanics”) or content gamification (“experience design”). Structural gamification can be as simple as hitting a sales milestone and receiving a prize. That’s not so different from grinding for levels and being rewarded with a new item in a video game. Content gamification refers to structuring something like a game to increase engagement with the content. If you’ve ever had to take an online training and it had you dragging and dropping to match terms, that’s gamification. |